Electrical & Electronic

HTS  offers fast, expert product testing, inspection and certification solutions through our global network of accredited laboratories. We conduct electrical safety testing to ANSI/UL, CSA, NFPA, IEC, EN and other standards, EMC testing to local or global requirements, benchmarking and performance testing for R&D or competitive differentiation, environmental compliance to ENERGY STAR®, RoHS, or EuP requirements, and turnkey certification management.

We offer ETL Mark, WH Mark and NOM in North America; the CE,CB, GS,  ASTA and BEAB Marks for Europe; and the CCC Mark in China, among others. Our laboratories are recognized by 30 major accreditation bodies, including OSHA (NRTL), Standards Council of Canada, IECEE, A2LA, FCC, UKAS and more.

Leading global manufacturers trust HTS  for faster, simpler, more cost-efficient testing and certification services